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[Tue 21 May, 03:34]
PST (Gumly Gumly -17)
Scuba Cuba - (6 replies)

Hiya, We're going three weeks to Cuba, and like to do some diving there. But I dont really want to go to Varadero. I've been reading all the Thorntree discussions, but didnt read much about diving. Does anybody know about the best diving spots (underwater life, big fish, best prices etc.)? I heard for example its possible to dive with silky sharks in Cuba?
Any advice is appreciated!!


[Tue 21 May, 04:47]
PST (Gumly Gumly -17)
1. diving

here's a couple of websites
there are bull shark dives at Santa Lucia

- just returned from Guardalavaca - my favourite - bonus snorkeling 100m off the beach - BIG groupers fed on one dive­baDiving/ScubaCenter.asp?Center=21



[Tue 21 May, 06:03]
PST (Gumly Gumly -17)
2. Maria La Gorda and Caya Levisa

What about these 2 sites - anyone dived there before. I am going there in the next couple of weeks and have read that they are good. Anyone been??


[Tue 21 May, 10:06]
PST (Gumly Gumly -17)
3. Scuba

Try this site <> Go to their Scuba section.


[Tue 21 May, 10:09]
PST (Gumly Gumly -17)
4. Cayo Levisa

I know some people who went there several years ago and loved it. There is only one hotel and dive facility on the cay which is about 1 mile offshore. I've heard Maria La Gorda is also nice but Cayo Levisa is much more accessible from Habana if that's any important.


[Tue 21 May, 12:47]
PST (Gumly Gumly -17)
5. MLG

Haven't been to Levisa but Maria la Gorda is the best place I've dived in Cuba - then Cienfuegos, Santiago de Cuba, Trinidad, Playa Giron & Playa Larga. Wasn't too impressed with Varadero & forget Tarara though it's near Havana. Isle of Youth's supposed to be good & Jardines de la Reina better.


[Tue 21 May, 13:33]
PST (Gumly Gumly -17)
6. I was

in Cayo Levisa and can verify the accuracy of the post above. The one hotel is a Horizontes property and it is on the beach. they provide simple bungalow accommodations for about $80 USD per night. When it rains, the water comes through the front door and floods half the floor.

The beach is beautiful in Cayo Levisa. It is about 4 hours from Havana and 45 minutes from Vinales. Only accessible by ferry.

Carlson Wagonlit

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